Blossom Energy
Level II - Master
Who is it for:
It’s recommended for people who have to ease inter-dimensional contact and who put their spirituality to the service of humanity.
Necessary prerequisites:
- The Blossom Energy Level
- Pre seminar interview (skype , email etc )
With the Master level we enter fully into the world of Guides and Ascended Masters.
During the ceremony, the chakras of the astral body are activated, these chakras are similar to multi-colored cups and are distributed throughout the body contour.
With the new Level II Master; the new Master receives a personal symbol, this symbol is on loan and is only active in life in which it is received. This is to reinforce the concept that we are all only channels through which the Divine manifests itself.
With the help of their own symbol that identifies the specific work done by each Master, the Blossom Energy conveys a powerful angelic healing energy. The Blossom Energy is an effective tool for self-knowledge because it helps the recovery of the full memory, a memory that is separated from the present time and that helps us see everything at the same time as it is by the Spirit.
Unlike the Level I , Level II Master can be transmitted only in seminars and not by distance learning.
You can see the dates at the page Seminars.